I have been interested in the workings of complex social and environmental systems since elementary school. For many years, I have been building my skills in deciphering wicked problems and helping partners design interventions. I thrive at the intersection of science, policy, and society where there is much to learn, and much more that will remain unknown.
As a consultant and organizational leader, I've gained hands-on expertise in fields including wildfire, coastal restoration, citizen science, ecosystem services, public health, benefit-cost analysis, environmental regulation, and many more.
Through my work I have developed great appreciation for the power and unpredictability of complex systems and the challenges they produce. At the same time, I’ve seen first-hand the understanding that comes from taking a data-driven approach and applying best practices in systems thinking and data visualization. To meet the challenge of wicked problems, I've embarked on this nonlinear venture.
Nonlinear Ventures: Founder and Principal Consultant*
eCornell Professional Certificates: Facilitator, Systems Thinking and Data Visualization*
Earth Economics: Executive Director and Benefit-Cost Analysis Program Director
Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center: Interim CIO, Enterprise Software Manager
Point B: Senior Management Consultant
Seattle Public Utilities: Conservation Program Manager
City of Palo Alto: Toxics Source Control Program Manager
* Current work
Certified Training in Systems Thinking, Mapping, and Leadership (Carbrera Research Lab, Cornell University)
Environmental and Historic Preservation Review Certification (FEMA - Emergency Management Institute.)
Specialty Training
Decision Making under Deep Uncertainty Planning for Infrastructure and Water Management (TU Delft)
Applied Information Economics - How to measure anything. (Hubbard Decision Research)
Introduction to Complex Systems (Santa Fe Institute)
Tableau Desktop Advanced (Tableau)
Advanced Facilitation
Select Presentations, Training, & Facilitation
Better Climate Adaptation with Systems Thinking: An agent-based approach. Cornell University International Systems Thinking Conference - Featured Speaker. May 2022. (P)
Systems Thinking Made Simple: Getting what you think to match what is real. International Society for the Systems Sciences - Advances in System Science and Systems Practice. July 2022. (P)
The Relationship Between Nature and Communities. Cornell University International Systems Thinking Conference. May 2022. (P)
Cost of Wildfire Preparedness and Suppression Activities on ODF-Protected Lands in Oregon. Oregon Legislature's Joint Ways and Means, Natural Resources Subcommittee. 2021. (P)
Gaining Access to Federal Resources for Coastal Resilience Workshop. 2020. Facilitation for 37 coastal mitigation stakeholders representing resource managers, federal agencies, and supporting organizations. (F)
Building Resilience with Nature. Presentation for Milan Forestry Convening. 2018. (P)
Building the Case for Climate Resilient Investments. Training for Kresge Foundation - Climate Resilience and Urban Opportunity Cohort. 2018. (T)
Green Infrastructure Finance: Aligning Dollars with Benefits. Biophilic Leadership Summit. 2018. (P)
Holistic Valuation: Quantifying the Full Cost of Disasters. Georgetown Climate Center. 2018. (P)
Challenges and Benefits of Urban Biodiversity. 100 Resilient Cities Global Summit. 2017. (P)
Natural Infrastructure Valuation. 100 Resilience Cities Global Summit. 2017. (T)
Holistic Benefit Cost Analysis Training. US Housing and Urban Development NDRC Training Workshops - Chicago and Denver. 2015. (T)
Select Publications
Chadsey, M., Schmidt, R., Mann, A., Glaser, D., Mojica, J., Madsen, T. 2022. Environmental & Health Preservation Primer for Nature-Based Solutions. Prepared for The Nature Conservancy - California and FEMA Region 9.
Madsen, T., Chadsey, M., 2021. Cost of Wildfire Preparedness and Suppression Activities on ODF-Protected Lands in Oregon. Earth Economics, Tacoma Washington. Prepared for the Oregon Department of Administrative Services.
Schmidt, R., Mojica, J., Chadsey, M., 2021. A Guide to FEMA Hazard Mitigation Funding for Conservation and Restoration. Earth Economics, Tacoma Washington. Prepared for the National Audubon Society.
Chadsey, M., 2021. Mastic Beach Marsh - Restoration Builds Community Resilience. Audubon. Washington D.C.
Schmidt, R., Chadsey, M., 2020. Gaining Access to Federal Resources for Coastal Resilience: Workshop Summary and Recommendations Report. Prepared for the Office of Coastal Management, NOAA.
Wildish, J., Chadsey, M., Schmidt, R., 2019. Natural Infrastructure Blueprint for the City of Calgary. Earth Economics, Tacoma, WA. Prepared for the City of Calgary.
Chadsey, M., Grenfell, M., 2018. Building Urban Resilience with Nature: A Practitioner’s Guide to Action. 100 Resilient Cities, New York, NY.
Christin, Z., Mojica, J., Cousins, K., Chadsey, M. The Economic Impact of the 2016 Loma Fire. Earth Economics, Tacoma, WA,
Flores, L., Armistead, C., Chadsey, M., 2017. Natural Capital Benefits of the San Juan Bay Estuary Watershed. Earth Economics, Tacoma, WA.
Chadsey, M., Mojica, J., 2016. The Value of Ecosystem Services in the Lower Sabino Creek. Earth Economics, Tacoma, WA.
Chadsey, M., Christin, Z., Fletcher, A., 2015. Central Puget Sound Open Space Valuation. Earth Economics, Tacoma, WA.
Select Data Visualizations - Tableau
COvid-19 Randomized Control Trial Viewer. Perelman School of Medicine - University of Pennsylvania. (2021 - Present)
COvid-19 Registry of Off-label & New Agents (CORONA). Perelman School of Medicine - University of Pennsylvania. (2020 - 2022)
Invasive Green Crab Monitoring Data. Washington Sea Grant. (2020 - Present)